Ascended Masters / Ascended Masters

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The Ascended Masters contains 13 attunements from Ascended Masters

Most of the Ascended Masters have lived on Earth at one time or another and during their many lifetimes they fulfilled their mission and achieved their ascension.

Ascension means 'Enlightenment' and that is why they are also called the Ascended Masters. Other names for the Ascended Masters are: Ascended Masters or Ascended Masters.

Ascended Masters are great spiritual teachers and healers who, like the Archangels, work with people and show them the way to Peace, Truth and Enlightenment.

Anyone interested in the Ascended Masters can call upon them and work with them.

When receiving the distance attunement you are attuned to 13 Ascended Masters. This attunement makes it easier for them to reach you and work in your etheric field.

It can help you with healing, channeling and your spiritual development.

You will be attuned to the following Ascended Masters:

  • Buddha
    Understanding, inner peace, spiritual growth, peace
  • Art of Gambling
    Liberation of negative entities and negative/heavy energies, healing, energetic purification and cleansing of spaces
  • Jesus
    Unconditional love, healing, divine guidance and instructions, manifestation, forgiveness
  • Abundance
    Guidance in financial matters, helps attract abundance and retain wealth
  • Maitreya
    Sense of humor, compassion, peace, joy
  • Maria
    All matters related to children, emotional healing, fertility
  • Quan Yin
    Compassion, giving and receiving love, grace, kindness, gentleness and affection for yourself and others
  • Merlin
    Alchemy, divine magic, crystals, paranormal gifts, precognition, fortune telling
  • Germain
    Protection, courage, healing, inspiration
  • Send it
    Balance, centering, reassurance, relaxation, dedication, stress relief
  • Moses
    Clear communication with God, living in the here and now, leadership, courage, truthfulness
  • Padre Pio
    Spiritual growth, healing, clairvoyance, forgiveness
  • Mr. Serapis
    Ascension, artistic and creative projects, clear communication with God, overcoming addictions and cravings, joy in life, personal and global peace

You may pass this initiation on to others.

Founder: Ole Gabrielsen

If you would like to receive the Ascended Masters attunement, you can contact me via the contact form. You will receive one distance attunement, a Dutch manual, an English manual and a certificate via email. For this energy exchange I ask 25 euros.


Experiences Ascended Masters:

Hi José, when I went to bed last night, I had to think a lot about the initiation. I think it happened then too. Felt very busy but still pleasant. All places on/in my body where I had ever hurt myself were “touched”. My crown chakra was opened and I “saw” a lot of black smoke coming out. Later this became lighter in color. Finally I saw a fan with faces. This was placed in my body behind my breastbone. All in all a very nice experience. Thank you.

Good morning José, I just received the Initiation Ascended Masters attunement. I am now almost an hour further and I still feel Energy going through my body. Something has been released in my throat (which I find very pleasant because there is a considerable blockage there) Actually I thought I was well grounded but during the Initiation it felt like I was grounded even more. I find that really special. It was a special experience very different from the Reiki Energy I find it more powerful.